Payment request

How to Use Payment Requests

The Payment Request feature allows users to send a payment request to a client. Follow these steps to send a Payment Request:

Create a Payment Request:

Log in to your myPOS account and click on the Payment Requests menu.

Fill in the required details:

  • Doing Business As (DBA): Name displayed in the payment request.
  • Client Name: Use Latin letters only.
  • Amount and Currency: Specify the amount and choose the currency (EUR, USD, GBP, etc.).
  • Reason for Payment: Include a reference for the customer.
  • Expiry Date: Default is 30 days, adjustable from 1 to 120 days.
  • Language: Choose from languages ​​such as English, Italian, French, etc.
  • Booking Text: Internal reference, not visible to the customer.
  • Notification: Option to be notified when the request is paid (charges apply for SMS notifications).
  • Recipient's Contact: Enter email address or mobile phone number.

Send the Payment Request:

  • Review the payment request details.
  • Send the request via SMS, email, or a messaging app.
  • The customer will receive a link to complete the payment on a secure checkout page.
  • Track and Manage Requests:
  • Use the Processed Transactions tab to view the status of all payment requests.
  • Statuses include Paid, Pending, Seen, Payment Failed, Cancelled, and Expired.
  • You can send reminders, cancel requests, or copy the payment link.

Reporting and Exporting:

  • Detailed reporting and tracking features are available.
  • Export the data in Excel or PDF format.

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