What is Rolling reserve?

Rolling Reserve is a security measure applied by myPOS on all MO/TO transactions as they are considered “risky transactions”. Risky transactions are typically transactions that are executed without the physical card being present. The transactions are, therefore, more likely to be fraudulent, can be disputed by the cardholder and lead to chargebacks.

How it works?

30% of the amount of each of MO/TO transaction is reserved as a precaution (minimum amount is EUR 1). The amount is held for a period of 180 days. This period allows enough time for any potential chargebacks, transaction reversals and/or fraud claims.


If such events occur, the amount in the Rolling Reserve will be used to cover the due payments. The rolling reserve amount accumulates with each following MO/TO transaction.


In case of no claims, the amounts are released back to the merchant in the order in which they have been collected. This means that the amount withheld 180 days ago will be released tomorrow and the amount withheld 179 days ago will be released the day after tomorrow.


If the merchant has accounts in various currencies, a separate rolling reserve account is created for each currency and the withheld funds are accumulated there.


Those accounts are called Reserve accounts and can be reviewed in the myPOS account, under the Account tab, in section Reserve Accounts. There is a separate section under Reserve Accounts called Future Releases where the merchant can see the amounts due to be released first. The funds held in the Reserve Accounts will be released on the specified date.

Moving funds between Reserve Accounts is possible in the same or in a different currency. Transfers between Reserve Accounts in different currencies is handled through the basic accounts they’re tied to. For example, if a merchant has two accounts, one in EUR and one in USD, and would like to transfer EUR 10 from the EUR Reserve Account to the USD Reserve Account, the amount will be transferred from the EUR Reserve Account to the EUR Basic account, then exchanged to USD at the Exchange rate in the moment of transaction, and afterwards the sum will be transferred from the USD Basic Account to the USD Reserve Account.

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