MO/TO Virtual Terminal
How can I accept payments over the phone?
Payments over the phone are also known as MO/TO or Virtual terminal. MO/TO stands for Mail Order/Telephone Order. It is a type of card-not-present payment which means that a customer may phone/email the merchant, place an order and pay by providing the ...
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What is Rolling reserve?
Rolling Reserve is a security measure applied by myPOS on all MO/TO transactions as they are considered “risky transactions”. Risky transactions are typically transactions that are executed without the physical card being present. The transactions are, ...
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I have been approved and am using the MO/TO service. Can I be restricted from using it at some point?
Yes. It is possible that your access to the functionality is restricted, based on a performed risk assessment. In those cases, the MO/TO service will be suspended in your account, mobile app and device. You will be notified about the change via email.
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Am I required to provide proof for each MO/TO transaction?
In some cases, yes. As MO/TO transactions are considered non-secured operations, you are required to provide evidence in case of disputes, which supports the particular transaction.
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What can I do to avoid fraudulent transactions?
Here are some handy tips to consider when processing card-not-present transactions: Determine a reliable channel for obtaining the card details Always be aware when receiving such details through email Research your source of information Make sure to v...
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How can processing МO/ТO payments with fraudulent card details affect my business?
You will be held liable for financial losses as a result of the eventual disputes that follow. You should therefore always undertake thorough research of your clients and the source of the card information. It is crucial that you always check the source...
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Where can I find the limits for MO/TO transactions?
The limits can be viewed in your myPOS account under section Fees. Тhese are joint limits covering the MO/TO transactions processed through the MO/TO Virtual Terminal in your myPOS web account, via the myPOS mobile app and on your myPOS devices taken in...
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How is my business protected when accepting MO/TO transactions?
MO/TO transactions, as all other transactions in myPOS, have certain limits. Due to their nature, MO/TO limits are lower than any other myPOS limits, as the risk of fraud is considered higher. In case you would like to increase your MO/TO limits, be s...
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Why is a review necessary for accepting MO/TO transactions?
MO/TO transactions are considered high-risk transactions because of the way card details are sent - via email or phone. Prior to approval, we make sure this option is the best fit for your business case.
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