How can I download a statement for my accountant?

Through the myPOS web account you are able to choose between monthly and daily statements, Annual Average balance Statement, card transaction and terminal reports.

The daily and monthly statements include all account movements and are used mainly for accounting purposes. You can find them in your profile at >> Login >> Merchant Account >> Accounts >> sub menu Statements (on your right) >> click on the arrow at the end of the row with the desired account >> you will see 2 options - the first is to choose the currency account that you desire and the second is for the time period you wish to revise.

Once you choose all the credentials, the page should load each month that has passed from this particular year >> Choose the arrow (pointing right) at the end of each row and you will be able to load the particular statement. Once you do, you will see a button named “Download as” on your right (just before the Account information field) with the following available for download options:

PDF Summary, PDF Detailed, Excel, CSV, MT940 MultiCash Export (Non-SWIFT) and MT940 SWIFT Export and MT940 Structured.

Alternatively, you could log into your account at >> Login >> Merchant Account >> Accounts >> Activity >> click on the icon right before "Filtered by" >> adjust the period >> adjust the transaction type >> Search. Once the search is done, you could download the file using the “Download as” button on your upper right corner and check the information. This way you could download transaction summaries grouped based on your desire.

In order to download a list with all fees that were applied, follow the same steps we just described above and for Transaction type choose Fee >> Search. If you download an Excel file, you will be able to summarize to the total amount of fees using the SUM function.

The terminal reports are available through >> Login >> Devices >> POS Devices >> Reports.

The card summaries are visible through >> Login >> Merchant account >> Cards >> Transactions.

The Annual Average Balance Statement is available through >> Login >> Merchant Account >> Accounts >> Statements >> Scroll down >> Annual Average balance Statement for X year.

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