Transaction Errors on myPOS Device
Errors & Messages
Error: 04 'Capture card'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Do not attempt to process the payment with the card.
- Advise the customer to contact their card provider; the status appears as stolen.
- Ask the customer to provide a different card.
Error: 41 'Lost card'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Do not attempt to process the payment with the card.
- Advise the customer to contact their card provider; the status appears as lost.
Error: 43 'Stolen card'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Do not attempt to process the payment with the card.
- Advise the customer to contact their card provider; the status appears as stolen.
- It is not recommended to proceed with the sale.
Error: 51 'Not sufficient funds'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Card funds are insufficient to cover the payment.
- Advise the customer to contact their bank.
- Ask the customer to provide a different card.
Error: 54 'Expired card'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Check the expiry date embossed on the card.
- If the date is in the future, retry the transaction.
- If the date is in the past, advise the customer to contact their card issuer for renewal.
- Ask the customer to provide a different card.
Error: 55 'Incorrect PIN'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Confirm with the customer if the PIN entered is correct.
- If the PIN was correct, the card issuer might have system issues.
- Retry the transaction.
Error: 57 'Transaction not permitted by Issuer'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Advise the customer that the transaction they are attempting is not permitted by the issuing bank and should be contacted.
- Ask the customer to provide a different card.
Error: 58 'Transaction not permitted on terminal'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- The POS terminal has been blocked for the transaction you are attempting.
- Log in to the myPOS account and check your device settings.
- myPOS Devices allow restrictions for refunds, void transactions, and top-ups.
Error: 61 'Exceeds withdrawal limit'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- The value limit (transaction amount) for the card was exceeded.
- Advise the customer to contact the card issuer.
Error: 62 'Restricted card'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Error message by the cardholder's bank.
- Advise the customer to contact the card issuer.
Error: 63 'Security violation'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- Security violation.
- Advise the customer to contact the card issuer.
Error: 65 'Exceeds withdrawal frequency'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- The count limit (number of transactions) for the card was exceeded.
- Advise the customer to contact the card issuer.
Error: 75 'PIN tries exceeded'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- The PIN for the card has been entered incorrectly three consecutive times.
- Do not attempt to process the payment with the card again.
- Ask the customer to provide a different card.
Error: AF/TR/TR-02/TR-11/CC/EE 'Transaction is declined'
Reason for error and further instructions:
Several reasons are possible:
- The card was removed too quickly, interrupting the approval process.
- The POS terminal was unable to encrypt the message and process the transaction.
- The card type was not recognized.
- Invalid PIN format.
- Invalid transaction data.
- Missing merchant or terminal information.
- The card currency does not match the terminal currency.
- The transaction is approved by the issuer, but the card denies the transaction.
- The customer pressed a wrong button on the terminal and accidentally canceled the transaction.
- Encryption error.
- Retry the transaction.
- Ask the customer to provide a different card.
Error: PE 'Invalid pre-authorization code'
Reason for error and further instructions:
- The entered pre-authorization code is invalid.