How to make a bank transfers?

Please have in mind that in order to initiate an outbound bank transfer you could log into your account at >> Login >> Merchant Account >> Payments >> New Payment >> To bank account >> Enter all necessary details >> Continue.
If you prefer using the mobile app, you should open it >> click on Make payment >> Bank.

Please also note that you need to have the beneficiary added previously or to create one by initiating the transfer.
Please be kindly advised that when entering the beneficiary details, you are required to choose whether the beneficiary is a company or an individual. Note that this is intended for the sender to enter the specific details which are needed based on the beneficiary type. If you are sending funds to a new beneficiary, please create his profile with full details by clicking on New beneficiary. Afterwards, the beneficiary will appear in the list of beneficiaries and you will not need to fill in his details a second time.

We highly recommend that you revise the presently set-up transfer-limit-amounts through your account at >> Login >> Fees- lower left corner >> Fees for myPOS Account >> Issuer limits >> Money transfers outside the system and Money transfers outside the system via Mobile app;
or via the app >> Login >> More >> Legal >> Fees >> Fees for myPOS Account >> Issuer limits >> Money transfers outside the system and Money transfers outside the system via Mobile app, as they differ based on the platform you are using but the fee for single payment remains the same.

Additionally, note that the amount is debited once we execute the transfer, thus providing you with prompt information on the status of the payment. You are able to check the status of the payment through your account as well ( >> Login >> Merchant Account >> Payments >> Pending payments).

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