My card is blocked. What to do?

My card is blocked. What should I do?
If your myPOS card is blocked, here are the steps you should take to resolve the issue:
1. Check for Notifications: Often, you will receive an SMS or a push notification in your myPOS app informing you that your card has been blocked due to a suspicious transaction. This notification will provide instructions on what to do next.
2. Contact Support: If you did not receive any notification or if you need further assistance, you should contact myPOS support directly. Call the Helpdesk team at +353 1 513 7777. They will assist you in unblocking your card.
3. Email Support: You can also reach out to myPOS via your registered email for support. This might be necessary to confirm transactions and provide any additional information required to unblock your card.
4. Account Status: In some cases, your card might be blocked because your account is blocked. Ensure that your account is in good standing by verifying all required documents and ensuring compliance with myPOS policies.

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